Dr. Mensah C. Marius

Founder of MCM Consulting

I am Dr Mensah Cocou Marius, Founder at MCM Consulting, one of the fastest growing digital services company in Eastern Europe. Our goal is to make business easy by assisting our clients and partners in demanding tasks where their competences are limited. We want our clients to be occupied by signing big contracts while we do the paperwork and digital marketing promotions. I am born in Benin, Africa, completed elementary and high schools studies in Ottawa, Canada and International legal studies in Moscow where I have successfully defended my PhD degree on the regulations of the use of natural resources in West Africa in the era of Climate Change. During my studies in different countries and cities, I have acquired extensive experience from living in multicultural societies, open-mindedness and ability to speak English, French, Russian, Slovenian and two African languages. My fields of Expertise include Migration, Environmental Law, Humanitarian Law, Climate Change, Food Security and Sustainable Development. I am the author of 25 scientific articles and a book‘‘ECOWAS: Ecology, Nature Management, and International Law’’. I love doing research and teaching. I have the opportunity to be invited as a lecturer for events organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, Chatham House, the University of Maribor, Alma Mater Europaea under the European Academy of Sciences and Art, the U.N. (association of Slovenia) I participate in different academic activities including Moot Court Competitions: ‘‘ALLEUROPEAN INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN AND REFUGEE LAW MOOT COURT COMPETITION’’ organized by the law faculty of the University of Ljubljana. Apart from academic activities, I am the co-founder of the African Girls Empowerment Academy (AGEA) and the Canada-Africa Business Academy, (CABA) in partnership with the Global Family Business Institute of Canada. My hobbies include reading books, watching ‘good’ movies, travelling and learning foreign languages.



Abstract Europe has experienced an unprecedented migratory crisis in recent years. Its extents have largely made headlines, causing trouble, incomprehension, fear, and hysteria. Since the Second World War, mankind has not experienced a similar migration. The amendments, regulating our modern societies have been established after the Second World War and constitutes today one of the causes of instability because there are certain points of shadow in the postwar institutions and treaties signed just before or after the independence of the colonies. In many African countries, colonies have inherited agreements and institutions that they have not had the chance to negotiate equitably, as those agreements outlined the world’s financial and political system. A re-negotiation of those politico-financial agreements, a much more sincere cooperation and a real desire to limit poverty and conflicts in Africa, constitute one of the most important stakes in this migratory crisis. This paper explores different causes of the migratory crisis, mainly due to unsuccessful cooperation between countries of the North and those of the South, and proposes some solutions.

UN Summer school.pptx

This PowerPoint presentation deals with the European Environmental Policy. It was presented the first time for the United Nations summer school in the green capital of Europe 2016: Ljubljana. Nearly 50 students from Europe, Africa and America have enjoyed this presentation.


This PowerPoint presentation gives an extensive assessment on Migration, its historical roots, policies monitoring cross-border movements and some legal definitions.

Reviewing the Narrative Concerning the Impact of Population Growth in Africa

This article discusses the topic of population growth in Africa, a recurring theme in the era of climate change and the fight against CO2 emissions. The African continent is full of essential raw materials and encompasses the youngest population in the world. There is no doubt concerning the significant role it will play in global affairs, at a time when the world population is ageing, according to the UN statistics. In recent years, many policymakers have highlighted the necessity to deal with overpopulation, provoking moral controversial and basic human rights abuses. This article, however, proposes an opposite argumentation based on fresh data and emphasises the opportunities and challenges to take on, as the author considers "overpopulation" as more of a challenge than a sentence to underdevelopment. Though the paper mentions different issues linked to overpopulation, such as migration crisis, ecological sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, it concludes with a reminder of the importance of international cooperation as a solution to global issues.

La Conférence de Paris sur le Climat Un défi moderne pour un monde meilleur

Paris organise la conférence mondiale sur le climat du 30 novembre au 11 décembre 2015. Cette grande messe universelle sur le réchauffement climatique a failli être annulée à cause des attentats terroristes de Paris qui ont fait au moins 129 morts. L’urgence que revêt le thème du climat a poussé le gouvernement francais à maintenir sa position et cela ne mérite que des félicitations, même si la conférence risque de se limiter aux négociations entre parties et sans manifestations annexes. L’expertise de la diplomatie française a produit ses fruits car le changement climatique n’attend pas et n’a pas de calendrier.

Modern Challenges of international environmental law in Africa

The development of Africa is threatened not only by armed crises, terrorism, recurring health problems issues the latest of which is the humanitarian disaster caused by the Ebola virus, but also by the increase of problems related to ecology and maritime piracy. Most, these problems are due to the lack of implementation of international treaties in African legal acts, the inability to provide food security in subregions and the absence of effective integrated environmental strategies and policies.

Révolution du jasmin : Épouvantail mondial de la mauvaise gouvernance.

La Tunisie a été le premier pays à tirer la sonnette d’alarme face à une dictature qui rongeait son système depuis des années. La révolution du jasmin n’était rien d’autre que le ras-le-bol d’une génération fatiguée de la restriction de ses droits et épuisées par des conditions de vie pénibles. Les pays du Maghreb, jadis félicités pour leurs aisances économiques, leurs structures touristiques de luxe et leur stabilité politique, sont devenus en un clin d'œil, le théâtre de bataille entre la démocratie et la tyrannie, la justice et le dictat.

La dialectique de l'ordre et du désordre en Afrique

A l’heure du changement climatique où toutes les nations cherchent refuge dans la préservation de leur habitat à savoir sol, air et eau, nous au contraire, peuple africain, sommes amenés à nous battre pour diviser ces mêmes biens, à nous pourtant illégalement répartis par le colonisateur lors de la conférence de Berlin du 15 novembre 1884 au 26 février 1885, conférence qui fixa la modalité du partage de l’Afrique.


The article deals with the analyses of the formation and development of international environmental law on the African continent in the 20th- early 21st centuries. In comparative terms a study of international legal instruments in this area during the period of colonial dependance and post-colonial period is undertaken.

Vision, methods, objectives and strategic measures of environmental policy of ECOWAS

This article refers to the vision, methods, objectives and strategic environmental policies of ECOWAS, the Economic Community of West African States. ECOWAS directs its policy for urgent restoration of the environment and fights against landscape degradation. Methods are directly connected with the global strategic plan to improve the environmental situation of ECOWAS. All these approaches are aimed at strengthen ECOWAS in order to ensure its regional integration.

Экономическое сообщество государств Западной Африки (ЭКОВАС) перед экологическими вызовами современности

